Dr. Bonnie Badenoch

Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, LMFT is an in-the-trenches therapist, mentor, teacher, and author who has spent the last thirteen years integrating the discoveries of relational neuroscience into the art of therapy. In 2008, she co-founded the nonprofit agency, Nurturing the Heart with the Brain in Mind in Portland, Oregon to offer this work to the broad community of therapists, healthcare providers, and others interested in becoming a therapeutic presence in the world. For 25 years, her work as a therapist has focused on supporting trauma survivors and those with significant attachment wounds reshape their neural landscape to support a life of meaning, resilience, and warm relationships. Now, Bonnie speaks internationally about applying IPNB principles both personally and professionally, and takes particular joy in offering longer-term immersion trainings for therapists and others at her home in the Pacific Northwest because these experiences support personal transformation through embodiment of the principles of interpersonal neurobiology. These groups cultivate the capacity for presence through the development of deep listening. Her conviction that wisdom about the relational brain can transform human experience for people at every age led to the publication of Being a Brain-Wise Therapist: A Practical Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology in 2008 and The Brain-Savvy Therapist’s Workbook in 2011. In 2013, she and Susan Gantt co-edited and contributed to a new book, The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process. Her new book in preparation is The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the Context of Relationships. People are saying that these books fill the gap between science and practice with clarity, compassion, and heart.

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