Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther

Gerald Hüther, Doctor of Natural Sciences, MD, neurobiologist. Member of the Executive Board of the Akademie für Potentialentfaltung (Academy for the Unfolding of Human Potential). Gerald Hüther is one of the best known brain researchers in Germany. In practical terms, his main focus is on research related to neurobiological prevention research in the context of various initiatives and projects. The author of several non-fiction books, he gives lectures, organizes conferences, works as an advisor to politicians and entrepreneurs and is is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows.

This way, he is a knowledge mediator and implementer in one person. Dr. Gerald Hüther completed his studies and research in Leipzig and Jena, followed by research at the Max-Planck-Institute for experimental Medicine in Göttingen since 1979. He was awarded a Heisenberg scholarship of the German Research Foundation and held a position as a Professor for Neurobiology at the University of Göttingen from 2004 to 2016. From 1994 to 2006, he headed a research department at the Psychiatric Hospital in Göttingen which had been established by himself. Between 2006 and 2016, his focus was on the dissemination of research results related to neurobiological prevention research. In 2015, he founded and began to manage the Akademie für Potentialentfaltung. His public relations work aims at disseminating and implementing scientific findings from modern brain research. He views himself as someone helping to bridge the gap between scientific findings on one hand and their practical implications for the everyday life of our society and of its individual citizens on the other. All his activities strive to help create more favorable conditions for the unfolding of human potential.

Next events with Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther

August 2025

Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther (DE)
Dr. Peter A. Levine (USA)
CHF 1'110

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