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Make Peace with your Parents!

The 7 Steps to Reconciliation

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This book takes you on an intense personal journey that will lead you deeper into yourself and closer to the

connections with your parents.

You do not need the involvement of your parents to do this.
Yes, father or mother may even have passed away already.

The result of the journey: more inner peace, more self-confidence, more strength and more joy of life.
And actual encounters with parents become more relaxed and friendly. Would you like to improve your
relationship with your parents? Maybe you feel an inner distance, maybe you have withdrawn from them a bit or have completely broken off contact. Perhaps you are also angry or hurt and never want to have anything to do with them again. If this is the case, the first step is important for you: you do not have to forgive your parents in order to come to peace with them.

You have a right to your reproaches. But all further steps will help you to find new perspectives.

Reconciliation then sometimes falls into your lap as a fruit that has ripened by itself. It is worth it! The relationship with father and mother shapes one's own life and has a deep influence on the success of one's own partnership, on the relationship with one's own children and the satisfaction with one's own life.In my more than 25 years of work on reconciliation between children and parents, 7 steps have emerged which are useful to come to peace with the parents in depth.

In addition, I talk about further blockades which come from the family system and which sometimes have to be dissolved. These steps and other important insights are conveyed practically in this book. You will experience
the essence of my seminars and will be specifically instructed to take important steps inwardly.

Veranstaltungen mit Dr. Bertold Ulsamer