Dr. John Beaulieu

John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D. is a composer, sound healer, licensed psychotherapist, and board certified naturopathic doctor. He is the founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., a company dedicated to tuning the world. 

After completing advanced degrees at Purdue and Indiana University, where he studied music, psychology and creative arts therapy, he went on to study Eastern and Western natural healing systems. Formerly Supervisor of Music Therapy at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital and a Professor of Counseling at City University of New York, Dr. Beaulieu currently researches the molecular effects of sound and lectures around the world on sound and healing.

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Publications de Dr. John Beaulieu

Biosonic Color Glasses

Set von 7 
Dr. John Beaulieu
CHF 99.00

Bellevue Memoirs

My patients My teachers
Dr. John Beaulieu
CHF 21.00

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